Tuesday, July 14, 2009

has it really been 2 weeks since I blogged?

YIKES it has.

Okay I really had the best of intentions. But we had a huge family picnic/party and whewwwww. I am still recovering - it takes alot out of me now to clean and prep and then clean up all over again. I finally finished cleaning today! Really!

Do you ever feel like the summer just whizzes right by you? I sure do! i spend most of the winter wishing for spring and then the weather turns warmer and bam... it's almost gone before you realize it.

Most of my moments are spent either sewing like a mad-woman (Lititz is HOW MANY WEEKS AWAY???!) or chasing my little one. yes that is what I see most of the day, the back of her - no, don't eat the cat food; stop pulling the cat's tail (she's a really good cat, thank goodness); heehee. We do have lots of fun tho!

My goal for this week is to relax and enjoy the MOMENT. We've had some moements. But to sit and actually watch them happen? SO PRECIOUS! Here are some I've had just in the last 2 days.
Soaking in our little pool tonight at sunset. there was such calm and peace in the whole neighborhood.

Enjoying the beautiful weather we've had! It feels awesome!

Sitting with Gabrielle in the grass at a friend's house tonight for a picnic... watching her eat the grass (ugh) but soooo loving herself for doing it; she was so proud of it.

Watching my kitty catch a bug in the house, it's so cute how she does it!

Having lunch with a long time friend and her children; her eldest son was the first baby I ever held - at one day old! I soooooooo fell in love with him that day and to see him at 9 yrs old, a little man was precious.

Having a conversation with an old friend :) so rare!

Now we have gramma & grampa coming tomorrow... so many moments ready to happen. What will your moments be this week? Don't let time fly by! Enjoy the little things!

1 comment:

AwtemNymf said...

There ya are- good to see you peeking in. Yes- Summer flies on by- can you believe we're already in the middle of Summer! Are we? Oy!
Gotta go sew- I take advantage of the longer "light" times and the heat makes for great drying time!
Hugs and enjoy your rest!

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