Thursday, April 26, 2012

Where have I been??

I can't believe how long it's been since I posted! I have photo's of great finds from a rummage sale, my thrifting in Hilton Head, new pattern (and several more coming!) but I just haven't had time to post here at all.  I've been really busy with orders - wholesale mostly! This is one area of my business I wanted to develop a bit more this year and I sure got what I wished for :)

I am also getting ready for Lititz again, I hired 2 helpers to get me through some of these orders and preparation for Lititz.  It's my biggest craft show of the year and I am really looking forward to showing off some brand new dolls and other primitives this year!!

I will be back shortly with a really fun new pattern announcement!  OH and this month, Homespun from the Heart celebrated our 8th year in business (online). So exciting!!

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